Your child will have a blast playing this game while utilizing their fine motor, visual perceptual, and sensory tactile skills! Add in some academic concepts and you have a learning rich activity that your child will love!
Materials Needed
Sharpie Marker
Shaving Cream
Craft Stick
- Optional- Razor (Make sure the guard is taped on securely and use adult supervision)
How to Construct Shaving Cream Balloon Face
- Blow up a large balloon and tie
- Draw academic learning concepts (i.e. letters, numbers, shapes, etc..) where facial features including eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and beard would be located on the balloon “head”
- Cover the facial features with shaving cream and rub in to cover
- Either have the kids rub the shaving cream off with their hands or use the razor (with a guard securely in place) or craft stick to “shave” the shaving cream off the balloon’s face (*note- the razor, with safety guard securely taped on, is an excellent tool to use for children who are tactically defense and dislike the feeling of the shaving cream on their hands)
- After the shaving cream is wiped off, asked your child what academic concept is revealed under the shaving cream
Play It Smarter…
You can modify this game by having the child, rather than the parent, draw the learning concepts on the balloon and also spread the shaving cream on the balloon to cover the learning concepts. This will provide the child additional opportunities to work on their handwriting skills and increase their exposure to new tactile sensory experiences.
Things to Consider….
This game can get messy! Make sure you are playing it outside or in another area that won’t get ruined if the balloon pops and sends shaving cream flying in the air. I have found that the balloons pop immediately when they hit grass, so it would be best to play on the sidewalk if playing outside. Also, make sure the kids and adults are wearing clothes that won’t get ruined by the shaving cream.
More importantly, it is recommended for younger children to use a large craft stick rather than a razor due to safety concerns. However, if you are playing with the razor option, please make sure the children are properly supervised by an adult and secure the safety guard on the razor with tape so that the child does not get cut.